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ACCE 2011 Challenge Award

Robert M. Dondelinger, CBET-E, MSA

Robert M. Dondelinger, CBET-E, MSA

​The Award winner is Robert M. Dondelinger, CBET-E, MSA, of the US Military Entrance Processing Command in North Chicago, IL.  This award honors an individual who is not presently an ACCE member, but eligible for membership, for their achievements within the field of clinical engineering (CE).  Bob was selected in acknowledgement and respect for his ongoing professional writing and various other support activities for the CE/BME community in USA healthcare.

Bob has a M.S. in Business Management (healthcare management) from Central Michigan University, is a member of the AAMI Medical Equipment Management Committee, the Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology (BI&T) journal Editorial Board, and is one of the few practitioners who can view the field with the keen eye of a healthcare business manager.  A 32-year career soldier, beginning on the bench and advancing to a Medical Maintenance Officer, his work experience ranges from running the smallest one-person biomed shop in the Army to reaching the capstone rank of Chief Warrant Officer Five and leading the largest biomedical maintenance team in the free world.  After retiring from the U.S. Army, he continued his public service with the US Military Entrance Processing Command, having primary responsibility for medical logistics at 65 Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) scattered from Honolulu to San Juan.  Over the past forty years in public service, Bob made significant contributions to the success and expansion of both the biomedical maintenance and CE fields.  For most of his career, he provided leadership, guidance, and mentoring to new biomeds and has continued to do so by sharing his expansive knowledge with others in his field through his writings.  Bob has become admired by his peers and highly respected by his co-workers and chain of command.

ACCE 2011 Tom O'Dea Advocacy Award

Jack Spears

Jack Spears

​The Award winner is Jack Spears, for his many years of publishing for the medical device and health IT community, bringing strong focus to the significant impacts of the clinical engineering profession. 

Jack is President & CEO, TriMed Media Group, Providence, RI, and group publisher of the media titles Health Imaging & IT, CMIO, Cardiovascular Business, Molecular Imaging Insight as well as affiliated newsletters and websites. He started TriMed Media Group in 2003 and has since grown the company several fold.  He is launching, a cloud-based exchange for the buying and selling of repair and replacement parts for medical equipment in 2011.  
From 1985-1998, Jack was the owner of HealthTech Publishing Company of Providence, R.I., then sold to Medical World Communications (MWC), a multimedia company. From 1998 to 2001 he served as Group Publisher for MWC.  In 2001, he left to found MedNeti, an online web site content company for pharmaceutical and medical devices companies.  Jack’s earlier training and experience was in CE, having worked for St. Joseph’s Hospital in Asheville, N.C., and then as a Regional Service Manager with American Medical International in Charlotte, N.C., providing multi-vendor, multi-modality services to their hospitals and clinics throughout the Eastern US. He is married and lives with his family in Barrington, RI.

ACCE/HTF 2011 Shepherd Patient Safety Award

Frank Painter, MS, CCE, FACCE

Frank Painter, MS, CCE, FACCE

​The Award winner is Frank Painter, MS, CCE, FACCE, for his long-term work in many aspects of safety - teaching, publishing, accident investigations, etc. Frank is a consultant in Trumbull, Connecticut, with 35 years of CE experience.

Currently, he is CE Internship Program Director at the University of Connecticut and directs the only graduate level CE educational program in the US. Frank has a B.S. Engineering from Clarkson University, a M.S. Engineering with specialty in BME from SUNY at Buffalo, is a CCE through the ICC, and Fellow of ACCE. Previously, he served as Director of CE at two large teaching hospitals, and served as Executive Director of regional ISO in the Northeast.
Through his HTCC and ICC leadership roles, Frank has embedded his patient safety perspectives into CE certification. He is also a consultant with PAHO and WHO, and manages ACCE’s Advanced Clinical Engineering Workshops, promoting CE safety practices globally. His patient safety consulting practice includes medical device incident and accident investigations, evaluation of user practices and other factors to reduce risk, and expert witness and consulting for attorneys on a wide range of topics Frank has presented and published regularly on a wide range of patient safety topics.

ACCE 2011 Lifetime Achievement Award

Malcolm Ridgway, PhD, CCE

Malcolm Ridgway, PhD, CCE

​A Lifetime Achievement Award winner is Malcolm Ridgway, PhD, CCE for his over 50 years of excellence in many aspects of the clinical engineering profession.

Malcolm has spent most of his professional career with one organization. In 1974 he helped the Hospital Council of Southern California obtain a grant from the W K Kellogg Foundation to start one of the nation’s first biomedical engineering shared services. Today, 37 years later, he is still actively involved with that organization, now known as Masterplan. Prior to that, he spent two years as the Associate Director of the Biomedical Engineering Institute at the University of Southern California; six years as a systems engineer at two aerospace companies; and seven years as an in-house biomedical engineer at the 600 bed Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh, Scotland. He started out in this field fifty two years ago, in 1959. He has a Bachelor’s degree and a PhD in biomedical engineering from the University of Edinburgh.
Other highlights from Malcolm’s career:
  • While at the University of Edinburgh, in 1961, he developed a swallow-able telemetry capsule (known as the Radio Pill) that transmitted 4 or 5 days worth of continuous pressure readings from the human alimentary tract
  • He was involved in developing several early patient monitoring techniques for isolated kidney transplant patients
  • At Bendix Aerospace, he was on the team that designed the science packages the early astronauts carried to the Moon
  • At TRW, he helped design life detection instrument placed on the planet’s surface during the 1976 US Viking mission to Mars, and helped design an implantable 10-year plutonium power supply for an artificial heart using space technology
  • He was a member of the 1st AAMI Board of Examiners for Clinical Engineering Certification from 1974 to 1977
  • He was one of the CEs who successfully challenged assertions from Ralph Nader about the dangers of “microshock”
  • He later joined with ASHE in blocking efforts by NFPA to require isolated power in inhalation anesthesia acute sites
  • He gathered hospital survey data to champion the case for not totally banning the use of ethylene oxide sterilization
  • He has initiated a project using Reliability Centered Maintenance to establish a more rational basis for PM intervals
  • Has been described as one of the “lead ducks” for his many years co-moderating the Technical Iconoclast Roundtable at the AAMI Annual Meetings to help keep the CE profession from taking itself too seriously
  • He has given countless technical presentations, and authored many technical papers and has been the recipient of AAMI’s Best Paper in BIT Award on 3 separate occasions; his most recent contributions to the profession’s training literature have been in the areas of customer service and Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
  • Over the years he has been the recipient of a number of professional achievement and leadership awards including the ACCE’s Professional Achievement Award in 2003; and the ACCE’s Marvin Shepherd Patient Safety Award in 2007

ACCE 2011 Lifetime Achievement Award



​Also, a Lifetime Award winner is Yadin David, Ed.D., CCE, PE, FACCE, FAIMBE, FACFE for his ground-breaking work to develop and establish the CE profession and HTM practice nationally and globally. URL:
ACCE: Over the span of 35 years, Yadin has worked with colleagues and societies to provide a platform and focus on CE issues. He brought together leaders from ASHE, IEEE/EMBS and AAMI in 1989; and then hosted a small group of CE leaders from around the country in Houston, Texas in 1990 to consider establishment of ACCE. The first year, ACCE membership was made up of just 37 practitioners….. Today the ACCE name is respected world-wide.
HTF: Dr. David worked to bring the CE voice to the attention of members of Congress through the IEEE/EMBS Healthcare Engineering Policy committee. When funding of projects such as CE certification became an obstacle, with a group of colleagues Yadin helped established the Healthcare Technology Foundation (HTF). Today this group of senior CEs is focusing on bringing needed tools for successfully protecting patient safety in increasingly networked healthcare.
WMTS: The advent of HD TV broadcasting started with competition for RF spectrum among them with the space used for ECG telemetry systems. Working together with ASHE and AHA, Dr. David helped educate the FCC about the competing needs and benefits of having WMTS (wireless medical telemetry) for medical applications. For that he was awarded an FDA Special Citation for protecting the public safety when medical telemetry was awarded its own spectrum for the first time ever.
Disaster Relief: When disaster struck Haiti, Dr. David cooperated with other organizations to mobilize critically needed technology support teams. Working closely with PAHO and other non-government Organization like EarthMed, he organized over 120 volunteers to help and to donate power generators, compressors, and bottled water for the needy.
Education: Dr. David started his engineering education in Israel and then received his MS and Ed.D. from West Virginia University. He is a PE, CCE, Diplomate of the American Forensic Engineering College, and Fellow of ACCE and AIMBE.
CE/HTM Leadership: He spent 25 years building the Biomedical Engineering department at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, where he established research and internship programs, technology evaluation strategy and forensic engineering methods, as well as RF management and CE-IT collaboration governance. In addition to receiving his CEO Patient Safety Award, his program twice received the ECRI Institute Health Devices Achievement Award for HTM outcomes.
More: 15 years ago, Yadin saw the need and to extend medical expertise to remote communities both locally and globally. He helped to initiate the Center for Telemedicine and e-Health Law (CTeL) in Washington, DC and served as its first president. He designed and started, in Houston, the first Pediatric Telemedicine program in the nation still delivering needed care today. At present, Dr. David is working on consolidating the global framework for CE through his chairing the CE Division of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE). Through relationships with WHO, PAHO and a world-wide network of national CE societies, a new platform for connecting CEs globally has been established. One project initiated recently is the training of CEs in emergency preparedness protocols. Dr. David has authored or co-authored several books and hundreds of manuscripts that have been translated into Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin.

ACCE 2011 Professional Achievement in Management Award/Managerial Excellence Award

Henry Stankiewicz, Jr., MS BME

Henry Stankiewicz, Jr., MS BME

​The Award winner is Henry Stankiewicz, Jr., MS BME, for his many years of leadership in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) BME Program.  Of note is his role in mentoring biomedical engineers, technicians, interns and students.  “Hank” has done this at the Boston and New England VA medical centers, the VA’s technical career internship program, the University of Connecticut CE Masters program, and the Boston University & Wentworth Institute ‘co-op’ programs.

Hank received a BE in EE from Villanova University in 1973 and an MS BME from Drexel University in 1975.  He started work with the VA in New York and New Orleans before finally settling in the Boston area. At the Boston VAMC, he established intern and co-op programs which he expanded to all of VA New England. “Graduates” of these programs have gone on to successful VA and private sector careers where they too have mentored new staff. He is a founding member of the VA Biomed Advisory Board, a hospital based group which advises VA headquarters management. He established the first VA BME Consolidated Program and his program is nationally recognized as a VA “best practice”. For his work at the Boston VA and then the VA New England he has twice been recognized as “VA Biomedical Engineer of the Year”. He has been fortunate to lead and have the support of talented staff at the 11 Medical Centers of VA New England, in his role as the Clinical Engineer Manager for VA New England.
In addition to his leadership and roles within the VA, Hank is very involved with professional societies. While at Boston, along with Dave Harrington and others, Hank founded the Medical Device Society. This local BME society further provided a platform for their stress on the importance of continuing education for BME staff. He is a member of the ACCE Advocacy Committee, former VA representative to the CE certification program, on the Board of Directors of the HTF, and a member of the Biomedical Engineering Council. He is a frequent speaker at AAMI, VA, and local conferences, and two opportunities as faculty in the ACCE ACEWs Hank met wife Linda, nursing supervisor, VA Boston Cardiac Care Unit, where he took an exceptionally long time to install a new patient monitoring system!

ACCE 2011 Professional Achievement in Technology Award/Professional Development Award

Rickey L. Hampton, BSBE

Rickey L. Hampton, BSBE

​The Award winner is Rickey L. Hampton, BSBE, for his efforts in advancing the understanding of radio spectrum and wireless device management in healthcare. Rick presents frequently on all manner of radio technology through written articles, webinars, and seminars. He also serves on the Editorial Board for AAMI and often contributes to the writings of others. Rick has been involved in the development of several standards and guidance documents related to the safe use of wireless in healthcare including AAMI TIR-18, IEEE 11073-00101, and most recently, IEC-80001-1 and its associated Wireless Technical Report.

Rick has been the Wireless Communications Manager for Partners HealthCare System, Boston, Massachusetts, since 2002. He has held both FCC amateur and commercial radio licenses for the past 37 years, rounded out his knowledge with 14 years of combat communications radio systems in the Air National Guard, and received his BS Biomedical Engineering, from Wright State University, in 1986. He has served in the clinical engineering field for 25 years.

ACCE 2011 Student Paper Competition

Pratyusha Mattegunta, University of Connecticut

Pratyusha Mattegunta, University of Connecticut

Winner:  Pratyusha Mattegunta, University of Connecticut,

Medical Device Integration of Neurodiagnostic Equipment with Hospital EMR/HIS

ACCE 2011 Student Paper Competition

Allie Paquette, University of Connecticut

Allie Paquette, University of Connecticut

2nd place: Allie Paquette, University of Connecticut,

Video Integration and Procedure Room Design Planning

ACCE 2011 Student Paper Competition

Sharareh Taghipour

Sharareh Taghipour

3rd place: Sharareh Taghipour, PhD Candidate, Centre for Maintenance Optimization and Reliability Engineering, University of Toronto,

Prioritization of medical equipment for maintenance decisions

ACCE 2011 Antonio Hernandez International Clinical Engineering Award

Niranjan D. Khambete, BE, M.Tech., PhD

Niranjan D. Khambete, BE, M.Tech., PhD

​The Award winner is Niranjan D. Khambete, BE, M.Tech., PhD, Engineer Grade ‘F’ and Scientist In-charge of Instrumentation Laboratory at Biomedical Technology Wing, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST), Trivandrum, India, for his leadership and commitment to the growth of CE Profession in India.

Dr. Khambete received his Bachelors in Instrumentation Engineering from College of Engineering, University of Pune, in 1990; his M. Tech. in BME in 1992 from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay and his PhD in BME in 2000 from Department of Medical Physics and CE, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, University of Sheffield, UK. He worked as an Engineer in Medical Electronics Division of Larsen and Toubro Limited, India, in charge of the production unit for the Central Nurses Station. Since 1992, he has been working as an Instrumentation Engineer in SCTIMST, an ‘Institute of National Importance’ in India, a tertiary care hospital and a leading BME development and research center for the country.
Dr. Khambete has been actively involved and leading the efforts towards obtaining a formal recognition to the CE profession in India. The 1st ACEW in India in 2009 was organized with his initiative and he has actively followed it up by organizing a 2nd International CE Workshop in February 2011, with faculty from the UK. He has been closely involved in development of academic and training curriculum for the three-Institute joint Masters in Technology CE program, the first of its kind in the country and continues to work as a co-coordinator for this course. As secretary of the BME Society of India, he plans to lead efforts aimed at formation of national certification for CE in India.
In collaboration with the CDAC, Trivandrum, India, he initiated and is supervising a project for indigenous technology development of safety testing and calibration equipment used by CEs for testing of medical equipment in hospitals. Recently, he received an award from WHO Patient Safety for a paper on medical device safety in hospitals in the city of Pune, India, presented at a meeting in London organized by Institute of Engineering and Technology, UK, in May 2010.
In research and development, Dr. Khambete has been contributing to the BME needs of India for last two decades. He worked as the leader of the team which successfully completed the development and commercialization of indigenous technology for Concentric Needle Electrodes. This work is continued through development of technology for other bio-electrodes. Dr. Khambete also has a keen interest in research on movement artifact free apnea monitors and early detection of cervical cancer in women, both involving development of instrumentation for bio-impedance spectroscopy.


​An Award created by ORBIS International and ACCE in 2010, given to the organization demonstrating significant improvements in national HTM structure and outcomes since ACCE and its partners conducted Advanced Clinical Engineering Workshops (ACEWs) in their countries



​The winner is CENETEC – the National Center for Health Technology (HT) Excellence – led by Director General María Luisa González Rétiz, MBA. HT colleagues from Mexico have participated in several ACEWs, beginning in 1991, and hosted others, eg, in Mexico City and Mazatlan in 1998.

CENETEC's creation has its origins in 2001, when Dr. Enrique Ruelas Barajas, Vice Minister of Quality and Innovation of the Mexican Ministry of Health (MoH) invited Adriana Velázquez Berumen, to join his work team. As a practicing CE with an MS CE, Adriana was asked to provide a group to consult on topics related to HTM and HT Assessment (HTA), two elements identified by health leaders as key contributors increasing quality of services provided by health units. Due to excellent results obtained by Adriana’s group, responding to the need for objective information on appropriate HTM and HTA for decision and policy makers, the MoH CENETEC unit - with four initial employees - was created in 2004.
In 2011, CENETEC is organized in four main programs: Biomedical Engineering (or HTM), HTA, Telehealth, and Clinical Practice Guidelines. CENETEC programs and products are planned, in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) Health Technologies Resolution WHA60.29, of May 2007. In 2009, CENETEC was designated Collaborating Center for WHO. Since October 2008, CENETEC has been led by María Luisa González Rétiz, Biomedical Engineer. In February 2011, a new organizational structure was approved, resulting in CENETEC now having 67 employees.
CENETEC acts a technical advisor on HTM and HTA in the Mexican MoH. Its contributions for Telehealth, Clinical Practice Guidelines, HTM and HTA have measurably helped to improve the quality of medical services nationally. CENETEC's recommendations are based on the best evidence available to facilitate the decision making process for health authorities while they incorporate, modify or exclude health technologies in the Mexican Health System.

Bob Morris Award

James Wear, PhD, CCE

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