Attend these cosponsored ACCE can't-miss events at HIMSS16
Pre-conference symposia: Health IT Safety Symposium (separate registration required)
Health IT Safety Culture: Working Together to Improve Patent Care
Date: Monday, February 29, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: Sands Expo & Convention Center
Description: This symposium educates you on strategies, which improve Health IT safety and quality of patient care. Providers and Health IT developers share their experiences and work together to develop tools, which improve clinical decision support, Health IT safety culture and safety.
Pre-conference symposia: Cybersecurity Symposium (separate registration required)
Cybersecurity: Time to Improve Your Posture
Date: Monday, February 29, 8:15 AM - 4:30 PM
Location: Sands Expo & Convention Center, Room# Lando 4205
Description: Hospitals, payers, and business associates are increasingly leveraging the Internet, medical and mobile devices in order to improve care, lower costs, and retain competitive advantage. With this shift to digital comes increased risk to protected health information (PHI). Healthcare organizations need an improved security posture to avoid compromise and breach. This symposium will help guide your information security posture to re-align and defend against emerging cyber threats.
ACCE Education Session # 20 — Medical Device Patching – Factors for Strategy and Execution
Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2016, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: Sands Expo & Convention Center, Room Delfino 4102
Description: This session will begin to break-down the challenges of medical device patching from a regulatory, policy, and operational perspective. By outlining a tiered approach, this session will walk through the key elements of a medical device patch management program including C-Suite Level Strategy, Life-Cycle & Change Management, Automation, and Execution. Participants will also gain an understanding of the limitations of a patch management program and the mitigating controls that should be considered.
National Healthcare Solutions Architect, Symantec
As Solutions Architect, Axel Wirth provides strategic vision and technical leadership within Symantec’s Healthcare Vertical, serving in a consultative role to healthcare providers, industry partners, and health technology professionals.
Drawing from over 25 years of international experience in the industry, Mr. Wirth is supporting Symantec’s healthcare customers to solve their critical security, privacy, compliance, and IT management challenges. He is an active participant in industry organizations and a frequent speaker at conferences, forums, and webcasts on subjects such as cybersecurity, medical device security, mobile health infrastructure, compliance automation, IT infrastructure optimization, and other healthcare-specific topics.
His extensive background in the healthcare IT and medical device industries includes engineering leadership as well as strategic business development and marketing roles with Siemens Medical, Analogic Corp., Mitra Inc., Agfa Healthcare, and currently Symantec Corp. His education includes a BS Electrical Engineering degree (EE) from Fachhochschule Düsseldorf and an MS Engineering Management degree (MSEM) from The Gordon Institute of Tufts University.
Ron Mehring, MBA, CISSP
VP Technology & Security, Texas Health Resources
Ron Mehring serves as VP of Technology & Security for Texas Health Resources, where he leads Technology Operations, IT RIsk Management & Assurance, IT BC DR Program and Technology & Security Performance, and Standards teams.
Ron began his career in technology for the United States Marine Corps. After 21 years of military service, Ron retired from Marine Corps and joined the Department of Veterans Affairs where he led the Compliance Assessment teamswithin the newly formed Oversight & Compliance group. He also served as tje Department of Veterans Affairs, Deputy Director for Network & Security Operations.
Ron holds an MBA in Risk Management from NYIT and is a Certified Systems Security Professional.
Clinical Engineering & IT Community/ACCE Awards Reception
RSVP here!
Date: Tuesday, March 1, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Convention Center, Bellini 2101
Network with ACCE members, leaders of the Privacy & Security Steering Committee, participants in the Clinical Engineering & IT Symposium, and experts from the Interoperability Showcase/IHE Patient Care Device Domain – all are welcome to attend!
ACCE wishes to thank our co-sponsor:

HIMSS16 Awards Banquet
Date: Thursday, March 3, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Session ID#: NETAWD
Location: Wynn Hotel, Latour Ballroom
The HIMSS Awards Banquet is a time for celebration & recognizing members who have added their unique sparkle and verve to the industry. Come toast their accomplishments at this year's elegant event. Join Paul Sherman, ACCE President in congratulating the 2015 ACCE/HIMSS Excellence in Clinical Engineering and Information Technology Synergies Award recipient: Jennifer Jackson.
To purchase the Awards Banquet ticket, please go to registration and click "Optional Events" tab, and choose Award Gala ticket.
2015 ACCE/HIMSS Excellence in Clinical Engineering and information Technology Synergies Award recipient: Jennifer Jackson
Jennifer Jackson, MBA, CCE is the Director of Clinical Engineering and Device Integration within the department of Enterprise Information Services(EIS) at Cedars-Sinai Health System in Los Angeles, CA. Her overall responsibilities are for the operations, strategy, and growth of the clinical engineering portfolio in effort to lead the institution in new advanced directions that address the convergence of information and medical device technology. Recent accomplishments include implementing a bidirectional communication interface between the Cedars-Sinai eMAR system and IV pumps for all adult inpatient settings, completing physiological monitoring device integration with the Cedars-Sinai EHR, and overseeing the tremendously successful transition of Clinical Engineering to the CSMC EIS department.
She is certified as a Clinical Engineer, has a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Boston University and a Master's in Business Administration from Babson College. She is the previous chair of the Medical Device and Patient Safety Task Force of the Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS), and is a past president of the American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE).
"Jennifer epitomizes the spirit of the 'Synergies' award. She's worked on device interoperability for about as long as I've known her. Jennifer's enthusiasm and dedication to Healthcare Technology Management and Health Care IT partnership affects those around her. She introduced me to the IHE efforts at an early showcase, which brought my analog self into the 21st century and helped me get involved. By continuing those efforts at the point of healthcare delivery, Jennifer enables the growth CE-IT synergies." Paul Sherman, ACCE President
Location: Exhibit Floor, Hall G, Booth# 11954
This year the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase™ will play a critical role in leading the evolution of health IT and healthcare. With 36,000 square feet and 140 systems and devices in one space – the Showcase™ explores how interoperability affects the full spectrum of care. From home to hospital, birth to death, PCP to EHR – health IT and interoperability are changing the future of healthcare.
Explore the value of standards-based health information exchange. See how the collective impact of health IT solutions demonstrate seamless health information exchange and true continuity of care resulting in improved outcomes, more engaged consumers and regulatory compliance.
The largest interoperability education destination on the exhibit floor –the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase™ is an interactive, vendor-neutral environment with 22 vignettes designated for clinical, business and revenue cycle scenarios, plus HIMSS Innovation Center, ONC/FHA and IHE partnerships. Each vignette demonstrates a unique experience and perspective of the healthcare continuum that displays interoperability up close in real-world customized settings, allowing you to witness each step of the journey along the way.
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