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ACCE has several trainings, conferences, and other activities in the medical industry planned for the coming year.  Watch here for updates and keep these events in mind.

Schedule of Events

13 February 2025
12:00 PM-1:00 PM
ACCE Educational Webinar Series 2024-2025 Educational Webinar series session#6: TJC Updates-2025
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest Joint Commission Updates for 2025. Gain insights to the latest changes to Joint Commission requirements and ensure regulatory compliance.
Location: Zoom
Faculty: Herman A. McKenzie, MBA, CHSP
16 February 2025Last day to nominate candidate for the 2025 Clinical Engineering Hall of Fame
Nomination Requirements: The essential requirement for induction into the CE-HOF is that the individual has contributed in a meaningful way to the initiation, evolution or advancement of the profession. This requirement must be demonstrated by showing how the candidate’s contributions have met one or more of the following criteria: · Impact: The contribution has significantly impacted the development or growth of clinical engineering and continues to demonstrate relevance to the profession’s continual advancement and evolution. · Influence: The contribution has significantly influenced: i) the work of others in the field; ii) the healthcare industry; iii) society at large, regardless of country or region of the world. · Innovation: The contribution has challenged the status quo and entrenched misconceptions with original thinking/creativity through: i) introduction of new concepts, methods, or tools; ii) removal or reduction of obstacles; or iii) enhancement of safety and reliability of medical equipment. · Reach: The contribution has significantly impacted a large number of current and prospective clinical engineering professionals, clinical users, regulatory authorities, patients, and society at large.
Location: online
18 February 2025Last day to enter your application for the 2025 Mario Castaneda Student Scholarship Competition
The American College of Clinical Engineering will award one $1,500 scholarship to a student studying to become a clinical engineer. The scholarship will be awarded at the annual members meeting in June. Requirements and Criteria: ACCE membership is NOT required Applicants must be a current full-time (must still be considered current students in June 2025), full-time, third-year or above undergraduate or recent graduates accepted into a related graduate program, seeking a career in clinical engineering/biomedical engineering/health systems engineering profession at an accredited college or university. Scholarship recipient will be asked to provide proof of course registration before the check is granted. The 2025 Mario Castañeda Scholarship will be announced on June 22, 2025 at the ACCE awards reception in New Orlean, LA.
Location: Online entry
03 March 2025-06 March 2025HIMSS25
ACCE is a HIMSS25 Collaborator organization. ACCE members are eligible to register for the conference at Collaborator rate (same as the HIMSS member rate) to attend HIMSS25.
Location: The Venetian Convention & Expo Center, Caesar Forum and Wynn Las Vegas
03 March 2025
8:30 AM-4:30 PM
2025 ACCE CE-IT Symposium (pre-HIMSS25): Convergence of Clinical Engineering and IT Technologies - Integrating Medical Devices into Hospital Networks
Medical devices continue to be integrated to various back-end applications to facilitate new technology, safety features, and even enable new clinical workflows. How do we best support this exciting technology development and manage the expanding integrated medical device environment? Join this ACCE CE-IT Symposium “Convergence of Clinical Engineering and IT Technologies - Integrating Medical Devices to Hospital Networks” to learn more! During this symposium, we will examine the challenges associated with managing medical device integrations and explore some of the new integration use cases. Our team of expert speakers will outline first-hand experience with the challenges posed by this integrated environment. The team will share insights and practical recommendations on how to best manage these integrated technologies. Topics covered will include updates on the latest regarding new medical device integration use cases, cybersecurity risks with integrated medical devices, and more. Discover how device integration is not only enabling new workflows but also enhancing patient care and patient safety. Engage in insightful panel discussions with industry thought leaders representing healthcare organizations, the medical device industry, and researchers. Don't miss this opportunity to learn about expanding medical device integration!
Location: Venetian | Level 2 | Bellini 2103, Las Vegas
13 March 2025
12:00 PM-1:00 PM
ACCE Educational Webinar Series 2024-2025 Educational Webinar series, session#7: Right to Repair: Current status in the US and Canada
Right to Repair is an issue of increasing importance and urgency in the health technology management (HTM) community. In recent decades, a formerly harmonious relationship between most manufacturers and clinical engineering (CE) & HTM professionals has been strained by some manufacturers’ practice of restricting access to parts, tools, documentation and software. Frustration with the resulting equipment downtime and additional costs have caused many CEs and HTMs to join the call for medical device Right to Repair, which has been considered in dozens of states and at the federal level in the US and also in Canada. In this session, we’ll discuss the issues at the core of this debate—including concerns about patient safety, remanufacturing, cybersecurity and more—and share updates on the progress of medical Right to Repair legislation in both countries. Objectives: • Provide a comprehensive review of the Right to Repair movement in general (N Proctor) • Review the current efforts in the US for medical devices (B Wang) • Review the current efforts in Canada for medical devices (K Taylor) • Discuss how attendees can contribute to RtR
Location: Zoom
Faculty: Nathan Proctor – US PIRG / Binseng Wang – Sodexo HTM / Kevin Taylor - NWT Territorial Manager of Biomedical Engineering
10 April 2025
12:00 PM-1:00 PM
ACCE Educational Webinar Series  2024-2025 Educational Webinar series session#8: From Early Career to Expert: Empowering the Upcoming Generation CE/HTM Professionals
Join us for an insightful panel discussion on advancing careers in Clinical Engineering (CE). This session will explore strategies for skill development, personal growth, and effective mentorship to empower early career professionals in the field. Whether you're looking to advance your own career or support others as a mentor, this webinar will provide valuable insights and practical advice to help shape the future of Clinical Engineering.
Location: Zoom
Faculty: Michelle Baquie/VA, Charles Wickens/Mayo Clinics, Anna C Shivers/Kaiser & Carol Park/Providence Health
15 April 2025-17 April 2025MD Expo Spring 2025
Location: Pechanga Resort, Temecula, CA
08 May 2025
12:00 PM-1:00 PM
ACCE Educational Webinar Series 2024-2025 Educational Webinar series session#9: AI/ML based tools: how hospitals should evaluate these technologies to ensure that the implementation solutions will align with their hospitals goals
Location: Zoom
Faculty: Praneetha Elugunti & Francisco Rodriguez-Campos
12 June 2025
12:00 PM-1:00 PM
ACCE Educational Webinar Series 2024-2025 Educational Webinar series session#10: What does "clinical"mean to you in Clinical Engineering?
Today’s healthcare environment is composed of a diverse group of stakeholders. Clinical Engineering, being one of the key stakeholders, works very closely with clinical and medical staff, IT, Supply Chain, Infection Control and more. The two presenters will discuss how special these partnerships are, especially the one between Clinical Engineering and the end users when it comes to all aspects of medical equipment management. What to Expect: Partnerships: Learn from our expert presenters about the special collaboration between Clinical Engineering and end users, focusing on the practical aspects of medical equipment management. Essential Skills: Understand the key competencies required to support the continued success of these partnerships and its ongoing evolution. Real-World Applications: Dive into compelling case studies that showcase the cross pollination of "clinical" expertise into the healthcare technology. We are excited to present this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and contribute to the future success of our field.
Location: Zoom
Faculty: Izabella Gieras, CCE & Jennifer McFarlane, DNP
19 June 2025-20 June 20252025 CCE-US Oral Exam
Please confirm your 2025 Oral exam schedule with HTCC secretariat at
Location: Hilton New Orleans Riverside
21 June 2025
7:30 AM-10:15 AM
ACCE CE Symposium - eXchange25
Stay tuned for more information
Location: New Orleans Convention Center
22 June 2025
6:00 PM-8:00 PM
35th ACCE Members meeting/awards reception (6-8pm CT)
Location: Hilton New Orleans Riverside Downtown Two Poydras Street, New Orleans, LA 70130
29 September 2025-04 October 20252025 IUPESM World Congress
Submit your abstract proposal by March 2, 2025.
Location: Adelaide Convention Centre, Australia
- Denotes Webinar. Click here for more information on our Webinars.
** - Denotes CCE Review Course Webinar.
The American College of Clinical Engineering is a 501 (c) (6) non-profit organization
2880 Bicentennial Pkwy, Ste 100 #249   Henderson, NV 89044   Phone: (610) 825-6067
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