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The Regulations Governing Admission and Advancement, formulated and approved by the Board, establish specific procedures by which applicants are admitted, advanced and continued as Individual, Fellow, Emeritus, Honorary Fellow, Associate, and Candidate members of the American College of Clinical Engineers.

The Membership Committee is assigned the responsibility to recommend to the Board the admission or advancement of applicants for Individual, Fellow, Emeritus, Honorary Fellow, Associate, and Candidate membership. The Membership Committee serves as a resource committee for study and recommendations on special problems relating to the rules and regulations governing the eligibility, admission, and advancement of Individual, Fellow, Emeritus, Honorary Fellow, Associate, and Candidate members.
The ACCE Board adopted these Regulations Governing Admission and Advancement at its meeting on February 19, 2003, and last amended the Regulations with interpretations on (not applicable).

​Regulations Governing Admission and Advancement

The six categories of membership in the American College of Clinical Engineering area as follow: Individual, Fellow, Emeritus, Honorary Fellow, Associate, and Student. Sections 1 through 6 hereof govern admission and advancement of these membership categories.
  1. Individual
    A person demonstrating evidence of professional practice of Clinical Engineering for at least three (3) years, and meeting one or more of the following four conditions:
    • Possession of a Baccalaureate degree in an Engineering, Science, or Engineering Technology from an accredited College or University (or foreign equivalent); or
    • Certification as a Clinical Engineer (CCE), by a body recognized by ACCE; or
    • Demonstrating evidence of at least three (3) additional years of Clinical Engineering practice in a position of responsibility beyond the basic three (3) year requirement; or
    • Recognition by the Membership Committee of a significant contribution by the applicant to the advancement of the clinical engineering profession
  2. Fellow
    An Individual member may be advanced to a Fellow status in recognition of distinguished service to the profession or achievement in the field of Clinical Engineering. The member must be active in the College business over a minimum period of three years and have been a member-in-good-standing for the current and at least four past years.
  3. Emeritus
    An Individual or Fellow member may be advanced to Emeritus status.
    • In recognition of distinguished service to the profession or achievement in the field of Clinical Engineering
    • A member-in-good-standing in the College for at least the past five years
    • Upon member’s reaching age of 65 and retirement from full-time employment in the profession of Clinical Engineering
  4. Honorary
    The Board may grant Honorary Fellowship to individuals who have rendered a career of distinguished service in or made significant contributions to the clinical engineering field.
  5. Associate
    An individual committed to the mission of this organization but does not meet the other conditions required for Individual membership.
  6. Student​
    • ​Student Membership is limited to current students only for up to four years;
    • Must provide proof of course enrollment in a college or university​ and expected year of graduation.

​Supplemental Information

  1. Identification – Designations
    Fellows are encouraged to use the designation "FACCE" following their names on official stationary, articles for publication, and on other appropriate occasions, and may use the FACCE mark in accordance with the policies of the College. If a Fellow resigns, is expelled or becomes inactive, the use of the related designation and mark shall be discontinued.
  2. Waiver of Dues for Unemployed Members
    An unemployed member who is actively seeking employment as a clinical engineer – and who is not working in any paid capacity with a healthcare organization – may, upon request, have dues waived while continuing to hold the same member status for up to two years past the current year for which dues have been paid.
  3. Active/Inactive Status
    A member shall be deemed active if he or she has paid all applicable dues and meets the standards, requirements, and qualifications for his or her category of membership as set forth in these Regulations Governing Admission and Advancement and the Bylaws of the College. Members who do not meet the foregoing requirements are placed on inactive status. In instances where the member leaves the field of clinical engineering, or for other valid reasons does not prefer to maintain active status, a request for transfer to inactive status may be made, while dues are in a paid condition, to the Board. This request may be made while the member is in good standing with paid dues.
  4. Reinstatement
    1. From Inactive Status – Generally
      Reinstatement to active status may be requested and may be granted when the inactive member meets the applicable standards, requirements, and qualifications for membership as set forth in these Regulations Governing Admission and Advancement and the Bylaws of the College. Members who have been inactive for more than five years may not reinstate and must reapply for admission to the College
    2. Dues
      From inactive status, reinstatement will be granted upon payment of prorated current year dues based on months in active status.
    3. Prior Termination by Ethics Action
      An individual whose membership is terminated for ethical reasons may reapply to become a Member if the individual so wishes. The Membership Committee shall handle, on an individual basis without obligation to reinstate an individual at a former level, such reapplications of admission from individuals whose memberships are terminated for ethical reasons.
The American College of Clinical Engineering is a 501 (c) (6) non-profit organization
2880 Bicentennial Pkwy, Ste 100 #249   Henderson, NV 89052   Phone: (610) 825-6067
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