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Welcome to the webpage of the ACCE International Committee!

The International Committee is the focal point for ACCE activities aimed at promoting safe and effective application of science and technology in patient care and advancing the profession of clinical engineering worldwide as summarized below. 

  • Vision: Improve health care worldwide through proper management and maintenance of health technology.
  • Mission: Advance the Clinical Engineering (CE) profession worldwide through collaboration with and assistance to CE organizations and professionals.
  • Goals:
    • ​​Help to educate and secure recognition and support from health authorities, administrators and clinical colleagues.
    • Help to strengthen CE organizations and professionals.
    • Contribute to worldwide public education on the importance of proper management and maintenance of health technology for better patient care and safety.
    • Share knowledge and experience that meet local needs and desire.
    • Strengthen collaboration with national and international organizations that have a similar vision, mission and goals. 

International Committee Activities

To fulfill its mission and attain the goals above, IC will carry out the following activities:

  • Cooperation with national and international organizations with common and converging vision, mission and goals.
  • Collaboration and support of CE associations in foreign countries considering the unique needs, desires and resource limitations of each country.
  • Transfer of knowledge and experience through presentations, educational programs, and technical consultations.
  • Advocacy of the profession to national and international health authorities.
 Composition of the IC

The IC is composed of two types of members:
  1. Voting members:  Up to 10 (ten) ACCE members led by a Chair appointed by the President;
  2. Non-voting members:  guests invited by IC for one of the following reasons: (a) have unique expertise, (b) to represent international organizations or foreign associations with which ACCE has signed a collaboration agreement, or (c) to represent organizations interested in supporting IC activities.

Current Voting Members

  • Julio Huerta, EE, MPH, CHTM - Has over 30 years of experience leading clinical engineering operations in the USA. He has participated in the development of HTM standards and efforts to improve the practice of Clinical Engineering around the world. He works with the American Red Cross Technology Services supporting Disaster Relief Operations. During his tenure as ACCE Treasurer, he championed the concept of attracting international professionals with a membership fee structure that considered the purchasing power parity of each country. He has a master degree from the University of North Carolina and is a certified healthcare technology manager.
  • Jonathan A. Gaev, MSE, EE, PMP, CCE – Founder of Applied Project Management, LLC, a company that provides project management training and consulting to small businesses and individuals.  Previously he worked for ECRI for 29 in various roles, including international programs and for the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.  He has significant experience in Asia, Europe and Latin America.  He designed and managed a web-based product to support medical equipment maintenance, and recently managed medical device evaluation and testing in Asia.  He is an international speaker on medical technology and technology management.  He received the ACCE 2012 Professional Achievement in Technology Award / Professional Development Award.
  • Salim Kai, MS, BS, CBETa Regional Resident Manager of Clinical Engineering with Crothall Healthcare at the University of Kentucky HealthCare, where he leads the Clinical Engineering department including strategic and operational leadership, selection and procurement of biomedical equipment and services and medical device cybersecurity. He has over 30 years of hospital enterprise experience with expertise in medical device investigation, healthcare risk management, and patient safety. Salim is an ABET program evaluator in Engineering Technology, holds a Master's degree in Patient Safety Leadership from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and Bachelors of Science in Physics from Eastern Michigan University.

  • Abdelaset (Baset) Khalaf, PhD - is a Professor of Health Care Technology Management at Durham College-Canada and has 37 years of experience in Clinical Engineering and Health Technology Management (HTM). He served at various managerial position in industry, government, academia as well as a consultant with international organizations (WHO, QRC, AAMI, PNU and JICA). Since 2003, he has served in various honorary appointments as an advisor with the National Department of Health in South Africa. He is also the convenor and presenter of equipment maintenance and HTM workshops and training courses.  He has earned a PhD from the Université De Versailles Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines, France.

  • Louis W. Schonder, CBET - Director of earthMed, an NGO assisting with medical education in developing countries, that he founded after receiving the 2007 AAMI Foundation/ACCE Robert L. Morris Humanitarian Award. For 12 years prior, he served as a volunteer biomed with Project Open Hearts. In 2018, he retired from ECRI Institute after 9 years of medical equipment planning and consulting. He was a testing technician at CITECH/ECRI from 1991. He has been a leader of PAMIA since 1991, serving as President 1993-94. Graduating from electronics trade school, he worked as biomed equipment technician, and became a Certified Biomedical Electronics Technician in 1986.


Contact Information

If you are interested in contributing to IC activities or want to inquire about a potential collaboration with ACCE, please send an email to

Scheduled New Workshops

There are no new workshops available at this time. Please check back later.
The American College of Clinical Engineering is a 501 (c) (6) non-profit organization
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